Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/u243887183/domains/terit.xyz/public_html/static/img/logo/includes.zip
PK ��nZ����{ { function_general.phpnu �[��� <?php require_once '../app/includes/constant.php'; require_once '../config.php'; require_once '../app/includes/app_start.php'; // Getting All User Data this Function echo Data function User_Data($column) { global $socket; $current_user = $_SESSION['Loggedin_user_id']; $sql = "select * from zon_users where id=$current_user"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); echo $row[$column]; } // Getting All User Data this Function return Data function User_Data_Two($column) { global $socket; if (isset($_SESSION['Loggedin_user'])) { $current_user = $_SESSION['Loggedin_user_id']; $sql = "select * from zon_users where id=$current_user"; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($socket, $sql)); return $row[$column]; } } // Getting user Data by column name and condition function User_Data_By_Cond($column, $cond) { global $socket; $sql = "select * from zon_users where $cond"; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($socket, $sql)); return $row[$column]; } // Getting All Game Data this Function print Data function Game_Data($id, $data) { global $socket; $query = "SELECT * from zon_games where id=$id"; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($socket, $query)); echo $row[$data]; } // Getting All Game Data this Function return data function Game_Data_Two($id, $data) { global $socket; $query = "SELECT * from zon_games where id=$id"; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($socket, $query)); return $row[$data]; } // Secure Data function Secure_DATA($d) { global $socket; return htmlspecialchars(mysqli_real_escape_string($socket, $d)); } // Checking Data From Databse exist or not function Exist_Data($table, $condition) { global $socket; $query = "select * from $table where $condition"; return mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($socket, $query)); } // Getting Game Likes function Game_Likes($data, $condition) { global $socket; $query = "select * from zon_likes where $condition"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); return $row[$data]; } // Getting All Configuraton Data of Site function Zon_Config($data) { global $socket; $query = "select * from zon_config"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); return $row[$data]; } // Play Newest function AutoPlays() { global $socket; global $site_url; $query = "select * from zon_games order by id desc limit 1"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); echo $site_url . "single/" . $row['id'] . "/" . $row['game_name']; } // Getting Category Data function Category_Data($data, $condition) { global $socket; $query = "select * from zon_category where $condition"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); if (!empty($row[$data])) { return $row[$data]; } else { return false; } } // Getting Likes Data function Game_likes_data($data) { global $socket; $current_user = User_Data_Two('id'); $query = "select * from zon_likes where user_id=$current_user"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); return $row[$data]; } // Getting Total Numbers of Rows of Games function Total_Games() { global $socket; $query = "select * from zon_games"; return mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($socket, $query)); } // Getting Total Numbers of Rows By Table Name function Total_Items ($table) { global $socket; $query = "select * from $table"; return mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($socket, $query)); } // check user is in database or not function ValidateFields($field, $var) { global $socket; $Validate = "select * from zon_users where $field='$var'"; return mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($socket, $Validate)); } // Getting Page Data From Database function page_data ($id, $data) { global $socket; $query = "select * from zon_pages where id=$id"; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); return $row[$data]; }PK ��nZ�� constant.phpnu �[��� <?php define('T_ZON_SEC', 'zon_section'); define('T_ZON_CONFIG', 'zon_config'); define('T_ZON_GAMES', 'zon_games'); define('T_ZON_CATEGORY', 'zon_category'); define('T_ZON_F_GAMES', 'zon_featured_games'); define('T_ZON_BLOGS', 'zon_blog'); define('T_ZON_ADS', 'zon_ads'); define('T_ZON_PAGES', 'zon_pages'); define('T_ZON_COMMENTS', 'zon_comments'); define('T_ZON_USERS', 'zon_users'); define('T_ZON_LIKES', 'zon_likes'); define('T_ZON_REPORTS', 'zon_report'); define("T_ZON_DISLIKES", "zon_unlikes");PK ��nZ�I�)-: -: app_start.phpnu �[��� <?php session_start(); try { $socket = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $con = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); if ($socket) { # empty code; } else { # error if connection is not established } } catch (Exeception $error) { if ($error) { echo 'Connection is not establish'; } } function LoadFile($name) { global $zon; $theme = $zon['config']['theme']; $path = "themes/$theme/layout/" . $name . ".phtml"; if (file_exists($path)) { ob_start(); require ($path); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; } else { echo 'file not exists.' . $path . '\n'; } } function LoadFile2($name) { global $zon; $theme = $zon['config']['theme']; $path = $name; if (file_exists($path)) { ob_start(); require ($path); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; } else { echo 'file not exists.' . $path . '\n'; } } function ZonConfig() { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query('SELECT * FROM ' . T_ZON_CONFIG); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function HomeFeedGames() { global $socket; $data = []; $s = "SELECT * FROM zon_games ORDER BY id DESC"; $q = $socket->query($s); while ($game = $q->fetch_assoc()) { if (count($data) != 201) { if ($game['is_featured'] == 1) { $data[] = $game; } if ($game['is_featured'] == 0) { $data[] = $game; } } // if (count($data) != 130) { // $data[] = $game; // } else { // if ($game['is_featured'] == 1) { // $data[] = $game; // die(); // } // } // if (count($data) != 170) { // $data[] = $game; // } else { // if ($game['is_featured'] == 1) { // $data[] = $game; // die(); // } // } // if (count($data) != 200) { // $data[] = $game; // } } return $data; } $zon = []; $zon['url'] = $_GET['url'] ?? ''; $zon['page'] = explode("/", $_GET['url'] ?? ''); $zon['config'] = ZonConfig(); $zon['user'] = getLoggedinUser(); // if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['theme'])) { // if ($_GET['theme'] === 'garud' || $_GET['theme'] === 'zontal') { // $_SESSION['theme'] = $_GET['theme']; // if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['theme'])) { // $zon['config']['theme'] = $_SESSION['theme']; // header("Location: ?"); // } // } // } // $zon['config']['theme'] = $_SESSION['theme'] ?? 'garud'; if (isset($_SESSION['Loggedin'])) { define("IsLoggedin", true); } else { define("IsLoggedin", false); } if (isset($_SESSION['is_admin_Loggedin'])) { define("IsAdmin", true); } else { define("IsAdmin", false); } function getLoggedinUser() { global $socket; if (isset($_SESSION['Loggedin']) && isset($_SESSION['Loggedin_user'])) { $user_i = $_SESSION['Loggedin_user']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_USERS . " WHERE username='$user_i' OR email='$user_i' "; $runned = mysqli_query($socket, $sql); $data = []; while ($row = $runned->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } } function DynamicSection() { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query('SELECT * FROM ' . T_ZON_SEC); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function GameByCategoryName($id, $limit) { global $socket; $name = getCategoryNameById($id); if ($limit !== '') { $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " WHERE game_category='$name' LIMIT $limit "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } } function GameByCategoryWise($name, $limit = 0) { global $socket; if ($limit !== 0) { $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " WHERE game_category='$name' LIMIT $limit "); } else { $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " WHERE game_category='$name'"); } $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function getGame($limit) { global $socket; if ($limit !== '') { $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } } function getCategoryNameById($id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_CATEGORY . " WHERE id=$id "); $data = $row = $sql->fetch_assoc(); return $data['name']; } function getFeaturedGames() { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_F_GAMES); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function getGamesById($game_id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " WHERE id=$game_id "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function getCategory($limit = 0) { global $socket; if ($limit !== 0) { $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_CATEGORY . " LIMIT $limit "); } else { $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_CATEGORY); } $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function num_rows($table, $con) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $con ORDER BY id DESC "); $count = 0; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $count++; } return $count; } function getGamesByPopular($limit) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT MAX( game_played ) FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " $limit "); $s = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " $limit "); $data = []; $count = 0; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; $count++; } $data2 = []; if ($count <= 4) { while ($r = $s->fetch_assoc()) { $data2[] = $r; } } return $data2; } function getBlogs() { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_BLOGS . " ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function tabActivation($page, $class) { global $zon; if (isset($zon['page'][0]) && $zon['page'][0] == $page) { echo $class; } } function AutoPlay() { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " ORDER BY id DESC "); $game_len = count(mysqli_fetch_all($sql)); $game_id = rand(1, $game_len); if (num_rows(T_ZON_GAMES, "id=$game_id") > 0) { $game_id = rand(1, $game_len); } $game_sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " WHERE id=$game_id ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $game_sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function getAd($offset, $d) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_ADS . " LIMIT $offset "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data[$d]; } function getAdById($id, $d) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_ADS . " WHERE id=$id ORDER BY id DESC"); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data[$d]; } function makeSlug($v) { $e = strtolower($v); $e = str_replace(" ", "-", $e); $e = urlencode($e); return $e; } function blogById($id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_BLOGS . " WHERE id=$id ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function IsGame($slug) { $game_name = urldecode(str_replace("-", " ", $zon['page'][1])); $data = dataBy("SELECT * FROM zon_games WHERE game_name='$game_name'"); if(count($data) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getTitle() { global $zon; if ($zon['page'][0] == 'autoplay') { echo "AutoPlay - Play Random Games"; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'games') { echo $zon['config']['games_title']; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'all-games') { echo $zon['config']['games_title']; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'popular-games' || ($zon['page'][0] == 'archive' && $zon['page'][1] == 'popular')) { echo $zon['config']['games_title']; } else if (isCategory($zon['page'][0])) { // for category $category_name = str_replace("-", " ", trim(urldecode($zon['page'][0]))); $data = dataBy("SELECT * FROM zon_category WHERE name='$category_name'")[0]; $category_title = $zon['config']['category_title']; $title = str_replace("[name]", $data['name'], $category_title); echo $title; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'blogs') { echo "Blogs"; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'g' && count($zon['page']) == 2) { $play_title = $zon['config']['play_title']; $game_name = str_replace("-", " ", $zon['page'][1]); $game = dataBy("SELECT * FROM zon_games WHERE game_name='$game_name'")[0]; $title = str_replace("[name]", $game['game_name'], $play_title); echo $title; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'blog') { $blog = blogById($zon['page'][2]); echo $blog['blog_title']; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'login') { echo "Login"; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'register') { echo "Register"; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == 'c') { $slug = str_replace("-", " ", $zon['page'][1]); $page = getPageBySlug(urldecode($slug)); echo $page['title']; } else if ($zon['page'][0] == '') { echo $zon['config']['site_title']; } else if (isset($zon['page'][0]) && num_rows(T_ZON_USERS, "username='" . $zon['page'][0] . "'")) { $username = $zon['user']['username']; $pro_title = $zon['config']['profile_title']; $title = str_replace("[name]", $username, $pro_title); echo $title; } else { echo "404 Page Not Found"; } } function getPages() { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_PAGES . " ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function getPageById($id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_PAGES . " WHERE id=$id ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function getPageBySlug($slug) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_PAGES . " WHERE title='$slug' ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function getGamesByQuery($query, $limit) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_GAMES . " WHERE game_name LIKE '%$query%' LIMIT $limit "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function getCommentsByGameId($id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_COMMENTS . " WHERE game_id=$id ORDER BY id DESC "); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function getUserDataById($id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT * FROM " . T_ZON_USERS . " WHERE id=$id"); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data = $row; } return $data; } function redirect($path, $full = 0) { global $site_url; $p = $path; if ($full == 1) { $p = $site_url . $path; } else { $p = $path; return $p; } echo "<script>window.location.href = '$p'</script>"; } function getUserGame($user_id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT *, zon_games.id FROM zon_games LEFT JOIN zon_likes ON zon_games.id=zon_likes.game_id WHERE zon_likes.user_id=$user_id"); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function getUserComments($user_id) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query("SELECT *, zon_comments.id FROM zon_comments LEFT JOIN zon_users ON zon_users.id=zon_comments.user_id WHERE zon_comments.user_id=$user_id"); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function add_views($game_id) { global $socket; mysqli_query($socket, "UPDATE " . T_ZON_GAMES . " SET game_played=game_played+1 WHERE id=$game_id"); } function dataBy($query) { global $socket; $sql = $socket->query($query); $data = []; while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function formatNumber($num) { if ($num >= 1000000) { return number_format($num / 1000000, 1) . 'm'; } elseif ($num >= 1000) { return number_format($num / 1000, 1) . 'k'; } else { return $num; } } function isCategory($name) { $n = str_replace("-", " ", urldecode($name)); if (num_rows(T_ZON_CATEGORY, "name='$n'")) { return true; } else { return false; } } function clearText($value) { $v = str_replace(":", "", $value); $v = str_replace("'", "", $v); $v = str_replace(",", "", $v); $v = str_replace('"', "", $v); $v = str_replace(';', "", $v); $v = str_replace('-', "", $v); $v = str_replace('_', "", $v); return $v; }PK ɽnZ��y[� � footer.phpnu �[��� <script src="<?php echo $site_url?>admin/assets/js/main.js"></script> <script> const DROP_BUTTON=document.querySelectorAll(".drop_btn");null!==DROP_BUTTON&&DROP_BUTTON.forEach(e=>{e.addEventListener("click",()=>{let t=e.getAttribute("data-target");document.querySelector(t).classList.toggle("show")})});const TAB_BUTTON=document.querySelectorAll(".tab-button"),TAB=document.querySelectorAll(".tab");function ActiveButton(){TAB_BUTTON.forEach(e=>{e.classList.remove("bg-blue-500"),e.classList.remove("text-gray-100"),e.classList.add("text-gray-500")}),this.classList.add("bg-blue-500"),this.classList.replace("text-gray-500","text-gray-100")}null!==TAB_BUTTON&&TAB_BUTTON.forEach(e=>{e.addEventListener("click",t=>{TAB.forEach(e=>{e.classList.add("hidden"),e.classList.remove("show")});let l=e.getAttribute("data-target");document.querySelector(l).classList.remove("hidden"),document.querySelector(l).classList.toggle("block")})}),null!==TAB_BUTTON&&TAB_BUTTON.forEach(e=>{e.addEventListener("click",ActiveButton)});const USER_PROFILE_UPLOAD_IMAGE_BUTTON=document.getElementById("pic_upload_button");null!==USER_PROFILE_UPLOAD_IMAGE_BUTTON&&USER_PROFILE_UPLOAD_IMAGE_BUTTON.addEventListener("click",()=>{document.getElementById("user_profile_pic").click()});const FILE_TYPE=document.getElementById("File_Type");null!==FILE_TYPE&&(FILE_TYPE.addEventListener("change",()=>{("File"===FILE_TYPE.value||"URL"===FILE_TYPE.value)&&"null"!==FILE_TYPE.value&&(console.warn(FILE_TYPE.value),"File"===FILE_TYPE.value?document.getElementById("FILE_IMAGE").classList.remove("hidden"):document.getElementById("FILE_IMAGE").classList.add("hidden"),"URL"===FILE_TYPE.value?document.getElementById("URL_IMAGE").classList.remove("hidden"):document.getElementById("URL_IMAGE").classList.add("hidden"))}),window.addEventListener("load",()=>{null!==FILE_TYPE&&("File"===FILE_TYPE.value||"URL"===FILE_TYPE.value)&&"null"!==FILE_TYPE.value&&(console.warn(FILE_TYPE.value),"File"===FILE_TYPE.value?document.getElementById("FILE_IMAGE").classList.remove("hidden"):document.getElementById("FILE_IMAGE").classList.add("hidden"),"URL"===FILE_TYPE.value?document.getElementById("URL_IMAGE").classList.remove("hidden"):document.getElementById("URL_IMAGE").classList.add("hidden"))}));const CATEGORY_INPUT=document.getElementById("category_name");null!==CATEGORY_INPUT&&CATEGORY_INPUT.addEventListener("keyup",e=>{var t=e.target.value;document.getElementById("category_slug").innerHTML=t}); console.log(CATEGORY_INPUT) </script> <script> document.querySelectorAll("body").forEach((e) => { e.classList.add("dark:bg-[#121317]"); }); document.querySelectorAll("input, select").forEach((e) => { e.classList.add("dark:bg-zinc-900"); }); </script>PK ɽnZ%\�, , header.phpnu �[��� <?php // session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" class="dark:bg-zinc-800"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <?php if (!empty($page)) { ?> <title> <?php echo $page ?> </title> <?php } else { ?> <title> <?php echo Zon_Config('site_name') ?> </title> <?php } ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>admin/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>admin/assets/css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>admin/assets/css/rte_theme_default.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>admin/assets/vendor/bootstrap-icons/bootstrap-icons.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>static/img/logo/<?php echo Zon_Config('site_favicon') ?>" type="image/x-icon"> <script src="<?php echo $site_url ?>js/tailwind.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/37.0.1/classic/ckeditor.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo $site_url ?>admin/assets/js/rte.js"></script> </head> <div class="mx-2"> <div class="container"> <?php if (Zon_Config('auto_fetch_all_games_fetched') == 1) { ?> <div id="fetched_alert" class="bg-blue-200 relative text-xs capitalize flex gap-4 rounded-md text-blue-400 font-bold py-2.5 px-4 mt-2"> <i class="bi bi-info-circle-fill"></i> All games have been fetched from your ( <?php echo Zon_Config('auto_fetch_game_publisher') ?> ) <button onclick="this.parentNode.classList.add('hidden'), localStorage.setItem('fetched_alert', 1)" class="close-button font-bold text-lg top-[4px] absolute px-1 right-[20px]">×</button> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (is_dir("../install")) { ?> <div class="bg-red-200 text-xs capitalize flex gap-4 rounded-md text-red-500 font-bold py-2.5 px-4 mt-4"> <i class="bi bi-info-circle-fill"></i> Please delete (./install) folder for security reason. </div> <?php } ?> </div> <script> if (localStorage.getItem('fetched_alert') == 1) { document.getElementById("fetched_alert").classList.add("hidden"); } </script> </div>PK ɽnZ6s^�, , config.phpnu �[��� <?php require '../config.php'; // $host_name = 'localhost'; // $sql_db_user = 'root'; // $sql_db_pass = ''; // $sql_db_name = 'zontal'; // $con = mysqli_connect($host_name, $sql_db_user, $sql_db_pass, $sql_db_name); // $site_url = "http://localhost/Zontal/"; ?>PK ɽnZ!.h� � ajax/gamesbyquery.phpnu �[��� <?php include ('../../../config.php'); include ('../../../app/includes/constant.php'); include ('../../../app/includes/app_start.php'); $message = ''; if (isset ($_POST) && !empty ($_POST)) { $query = $_POST['query']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM zon_games WHERE game_name LIKE '%$query%' LIMIT 20 "; $run = mysqli_query($socket, $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { if ($row) { // if ($row['game_banner_url'] !== '') { ?> <div class="game-box"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between"> <div class="flex items-center gap-3"> <img class="h-10 w-10 rounded-md" src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" /> <div class="details"> <span class="text-lg font-bold "> <?= $row['game_name'] ?> </span> <br> <span class="text-gray-400 text-sm "> <?= $row['game_category'] ?> </span> </div> </div> <input type="checkbox" value="<?= $row['id'] ?>" class="h-7 outline-auto focus:outline-blue-500 rounded-lg w-7" name="game_id[]" /> </div> </div> <?php // } else { // $message = 'game not able to add in featured game.'; // } } else { echo 'game not found'; } } } else { echo "Search your game"; } echo $message; ?>PK ɽnZ����� � sidebar.phpnu �[��� <?php // session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['admin-Loggedin']) && !isset($_SESSION['is_admin_Loggedin'])) { @header("location: ../login"); // echo "<script>window.location.href='./login.php';</script>"; } ///include("config.php"); ?> <div class="sidebar sticky w-[350px] h-[100vh]"> <style> .sidebar { position: sticky; top: 0; } .colorpick-eyedropper-input-trigger { display: none; } /* .main { max-width: 400px !important; } */ body { max-width: 1000px; margin: auto; } .container { max-width: 1000px; margin: auto; } .sidebar a { white-space: nowrap; } </style> <!-- <div class="logo px-4 py-6"> --> <!-- <a href="<?php echo $site_url ?>"> <h3 class="fw-bold text-2xl dark:text-gray-100 text-center uppercase text-gray-600 "><?php echo Zon_Config('site_name') ?></h3> </a> --> <!-- </div> --> <?php $zon['page'][0] = explode("/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])[2] ?? 'index.php'; ?> <ul class="list px-4 mt-2"> <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'index.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; } else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="index.php"><span class="bi-speedometer2 mr-2"></span> Dashboard</a></li> <li class="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="/" target="_blank"><span class="bi-house mr-2"></span> Home</a></li> <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'games.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; } else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="games.php"><span class="bi-controller mr-2"></span> Games</a></li> <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'featured_games.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; } else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="featured_games.php"><span class="bi-stickies mr-2"></span> Featured Games</a></li> <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'categories.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; 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} else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="settings.php"><span class="bi-gear mr-2"></span> Settings</a></li> <!-- <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'update-script.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; } else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="update-script.php"><span class="bi-pause-fill mr-2"></span> Update</a></li> --> <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'delete-games.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; } else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="delete-games.php"><span class="bi-trash mr-2"></span> Delete All Games</a></li> <li class="<?php if($zon['page'][0] === 'logout.php') { echo "bg-blue-600 text-white hover:text-white"; } else { ?> text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 <?php } ?> my-1 px-3 list-style-none"><a class="text-docoration-none py-2 block text-[13px] " href="logout.php"><span class="bi-door-open mr-2"></span> logout</a></li> </ul> </div>PK ��nZ����{ { function_general.phpnu �[��� PK ��nZ�� � constant.phpnu �[��� PK ��nZ�I�)-: -: � app_start.phpnu �[��� PK ɽnZ��y[� � hN footer.phpnu �[��� PK ɽnZ%\�, , mY header.phpnu �[��� PK ɽnZ6s^�, , �c config.phpnu �[��� PK ɽnZ!.h� � 9e ajax/gamesbyquery.phpnu �[��� PK ɽnZ����� � l sidebar.phpnu �[��� PK k �
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